
Getting to Know the Pacos Crew


Introducing Pancho Santillan

We recently caught up with Pancho to ask him a couple of questions about why he came to Truckee, what makes him stoked, and what expertise he brings along with him to share with all of you. 

Pancho is a passionate mountain bike rider who will soon encounter what winter has to offer with fresh enthusiasm to try new things. With the pull from an old friend, Russell Hamby, Pancho and his father Fernando moved to Truckee this year from the nearby foothills. His whole family has been in the cycling industry for over 30 years, specifically in the mechanics division where Pancho and his father Fernando have specialized in suspension tuning for the last 6 years. 

Coinciding with this father/son duo joining our crew, we added an Italian vacuum machine that makes servicing mountain bike suspension locally possible, and part of our daily operations here at Pacos. Pancho and his father Fernando, and our new suspension tuning equipment, add a complete suspension tune to our store, something that is crucial to keeping your bike riding smooth. The precision of the new vacuum machine optimizes service time and reduces error potential resulting in more flawless results for customers. 

Besides being technically amazing, Pancho is in it for the smiles (even if it’s under a mask). He says, “He loves to meet new people, fix the things he loves and make people happy.” He also says about the shop, “You can really tell the difference. All of the people at Pacos know what they’re talking about, whether it’s bike or ski related.”

Next time you’re at the shop, introduce yourself to Pancho. Next month we'll build on this story by digging a little deeper into Pancho and Fernando's 30 years of bicycle industry experience. Stay tuned.

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