Banking Turns With Ibis Cycles Founder Scot Nicol
Climbing in the summer heat with Scot Nicol and Chris McNally.
Recently, Pacos began carrying Ibis Bicycles. A Northern California company that exists close to the heart of many Tahoe riders. We are stoked to bring Ibis to Pacos and look forward to sharing this awesome company with all of you.
We joined Scot Nicol (Ibis founder) for a sweet backyard trail ride and scribbled these words into the memory bank…
This Monday started with an above average tap-dance at the studio between meetings and brainstorming when the call to ride came in. The opportunity to take to the trail with a couple of creative cohorts and the founder of Ibis bicycles was set for noon – it’s nearly time to roll.
Running late, I take a few old-school short cuts to get me to the right spot of town. Today’s ride rendezvous is at the Alder Creek Road parking area near Highway 89. Chris Shierholtz waits patiently in a shaded VW.
Distance high fives happen, and we roll up the wandering single track into Tahoe Donner along Alder Creek with little time to spare before meeting the rest of the crew.
As we close in on the meeting spot we find Scot Nicol and a few others uphill in the green casted Tahoe Donner playground. Just up the trail we locate the remaining crew, Chris McNally who is an inspiring two-wheeler and artist who contributes to the Ibis creative aesthetic, as well as Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship (SBTS) Project Director Ron Heard and his wife Melinda. Both are said to be held responsible for the creation of that ripping all-mountain ribbon of single track up north called Mill’s Peak. Check out this trail description we wrote up in a past life that still stands on the SBTS website.
Chris McNally and SBTS Project Director Ron Heard in a trailside social.
After the tour of Tahoe Donner took place we all crash landed at Scot’s for a cold refreshment. Scot made Truckee his sweet spot several years ago and seems psyched about it. He has the dream quiver from Ibis and rode a Ripley built with an array of blue anodized parts from Industry Nine which set this bike apart. He also has a Ripmo and a Hakka ready for each day’s role call. With this perfect quiver at hand, it must make for radically perplexing life choices as each day breaks.
We welcome Ibis to Pacos and look forward to sharing this awesome California brand and more short stories with all of you. Check the complete lineup from Ibis at and give us a call to start making your next all-mountain dream bike or your latest gravel ride.
Written by guest author Matt Chappell of
Follow Matt’s MTB advocacy work @truckeedirtunion and @thebeastofloam.
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